VMA Worldwide - Destination Branding
Firefly Building
123 Webster Street
Studio 1B
Dayton, OH
937 223 7500


The VMA Worldwide Process.

We approach destination branding with a nine phase, step-by-step process that is both logical and efficient. This process has proven to be quite successful. And unlike some other agencies, we actually do the work.

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  1. Total Immersion Model.
  2. Drop Formula.
  3. Research.
  4. Strategic Positioning.
  5. Tagline.
  6. Identity.
  7. Master Launch Plan.
  8. Supervision.
  9. Evaluation.


Master Communications Launch Plan

Total Immersion Model IconOur strategists are highly experienced at developing launch plans for the master communications of the project, including importantly, a domestic communications phase that occurs first so as to build support for the campaign at home before launching it abroad. The domestic plan also helps with funding. A typical plan uses Integrated Marketing Communications, including Public Relations, Direct Marketing, Event Marketing, Internet Marketing and Advertising.

vma circles